I don't like speaking in English so bear with me. It's been a fun full past week, it was a great week.
How are you family? Last Monday
we had a Family Home Evening. We had
A and G over to a family's house and watched a movie about Thomas S. Monson. Because we were going over the baptismal
questions and G y Adidn't really know who he was so we watched the
movie, On the Lord's errand. It was a
little confusing for them, not for me because I've been a member my whole life
but they felt the spirit. That Monday we
planned the baptism. Everything that
could have gone wrong for the baptism went wrong. Literally Satan was fighting so hard against
us this week, so many problems, so many obstacles, so many changes, it was
honestly incredible. But they got
baptized, we prayed a lot and did everything we could so they could get
This week I went on divisions with Elder Lopez, I'd been on
divisions with Elder Lopez a long time ago when I got to this area. As we were walking around his area and we say
some kids playing in the sewage ponds, the Sanhas.
They were fishing or something.
Elder Lopez goes over and talks to them and jokingly asks if there's a
shark in the pond. Long story short it
turns out the kids were Mormons. They
wanted us to talk to their mom and dad.
It turns out one of the little brothers hasn't been baptized yet and he
wants to. From now on Elder Lopez and I
call the sewage pond the holy sewage pond, because that's where we found
investigators to baptize.
It's really hot again in Argentina. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday it was so
hot. 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
I've honestly sweat this week more
than I have in my entire life. Friday we
went to go to work and it was super hot and we didn't think it would rain. Out of nowhere came a huge rain storm, even
hail fell. We didn't have our rain coats
or an umbrella so we got completely soaked.
It was kind of fun, one of those moments on the mission I won't
We've been working with the family M, he's a Dr and turns
out the mom was a missionary like 10 years ago.
He is really starting to open up and he was going to go to church this
weekend but Satan put his horns in. Hopefully he'll come next week. C was also going to come to church but
right before she came to church her mom showed up at her house for a surprise
visit. So she didn't want to leave her
so she wasn't able to come to church.
This week we found another investigator in our area named M. Saturday in the adult session of stake
conference. After one of our members brought an
investigator to church who wants to get baptized. He's set a date for baptism for 26th of
This week with stake conference there were a ton of meetings
on Saturday and Sunday. Originally we
planned the baptism for Saturday at 3PM but G and A couldn't get
baptized then. Then we moved it to
Sunday after Stake Conference. Then we
talked to the assistants and president wanted it before Stake Conference so we
moved it. Then the bishop that is in
charge of the stake center called and said we couldn't have a baptism Sunday
morning because they didn't want it dirty before Stake Conference. We called the stake president to get
permission to let them get baptized and it all worked out. We were running around all week trying to get
the baptism ready. The baptism was
brought to pass. It was super cool they
showed up at 8 AM. We got dressed in
white, took some pictures. A lot of
people showed up for their baptism. The
water was super cold. I baptized Aa
and Elda Tapia baptized G. After we ate cookies. After stake conference they were confirmed
and they are new members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That was probably my favorite baptism of my
whole mission just because we worked so long and so hard with them. They are just so cool. I love them so much.
Transfers happened again, surprise surprise, I stayed in the area. I really excited that I'll be here for
Christmas and New Years because it is a great area. I stayed here with Elder Tapia, he's a good
guy I like him.
Yesterday we sat in the
terminal until about 4PM. Then we went
out and worked. We had another Family
Home Evening with A and G.
This time we watched The Testaments.
It was kind of funny because after A had a question. She said she had been thinking that morning
about if the church is so focused on the
family why do you you guys leave your families for a mission. It must be
really sad when you leave she said. Then
the spirit told me to say that we have our families too and we'll return to our
own families but what we hope is that they will always apply what we teach
them. If they always apply what
we teach them then they will get to heaven. When we get to the celestial kingdom, there we will be
an eternal family and we'll never separate ourselves again. It was a pretty decent answer and it seemed
that she like the answer. We need to
keep helping them become strong members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. It was a good week. Next week we have meetings again. We just need to continue to find people to
teach and baptize.
Love you guys a ton and I'll see you all later.